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Tips for healthy life style

 A busy lifestyle will never help you to lead a healthy life. You have to make some lifestyle changes in order to lead a healthy life. If you are not aware of how to be healthy, then here are a few health tips that can be useful to you. The basic foundation for a strong body is laid by the food we eat. So, first, understand the type of foods you eat and eliminate those that are not good for the body. Try to eat a well-balanced meal every day. It will provide you with all the necessary nutrients required for the proper functioning of all the organs in the body.

Include a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are full of all the essential nutrients. They can be digested easily too. Instead of consuming unhealthy and junk foods you can include a lot of fruits and vegetables for snacking. Processed, oily and fatty foods are not good for the body. They may increase your calorie intake but may not provide you with the necessary nutrition. People become obese and prone to various health problems by eating such kinds of foods. Another important thing is water. Water is very essential for many functions in the body. So drink a lot of water, at least eight glasses a day. It helps to eliminate all waste materials.

Exercises are also very important for a healthy lifestyle. They are very important because they help you to increase the flexibility, gain strength and improve the overall fitness of the body. There are different kinds of exercises. Most of them are very easy and can be done from your home itself. If you have a health club nearby, it is a good idea to enroll and visit it regularly. By doing various kinds of exercises like stretching, weight-training and cardio workouts you will be able to improve your health greatly. Try to create a workout schedule of about 30 minutes for at least thrice a week. You will be able to experience good results immediately. Doing regular exercises and following the health tips can help you to prevent different health problems.





BMI or body mass indes calculator specially designed to measure the amount of body fat, based on the standard relationship between height and weight.

As I read about BMI calculation want to share here that, at very first note down your weight in kilograms and then divide it by your height value which is measured in meters, squared. Wait I explain you with simple example that yours heights value is like 1.7mX1.7m gives 2.89(that’s the height squared in meters) and after that if your weight is 70 kg, so divide 70 by 2.89 and you will find the answer is 24.22 and this value is became your Body Mass Index.

 These are the weight ranges, set by the World Health Organisation:

◦If your BMI is less than 18.4 you are underweight for your height
◦If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you’re an ideal weight for your height
◦If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 you’re over the ideal weight for your height
◦If your BMI is between 30 and 39.9 you are obese
◦If your BMI is over 40 you are very obese







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